Silent Features:
- 12+ Hours of Live Hands-On Live Batch recorded sessions.
- Lifetime access to the recorded videos
- Course Completion Certificate
- Dedicated Email Support for all your queries.
Bootcamp Agenda Level 3:
1. Java generics
2. Java utility creation(sum program)-jar file
1. clean install command
2. surefire-reports
3. surefire plugin
4. testing file parametrized using TestNG file
5. maven properties
6. browser and test data parameterization using maven properties
7. Log4j- Adding logs to your project with log levels
Case Study- Page object Model Framework Project Execution And Parameterization Using Maven Commands.
AWS EC2, Selenium Grid, RemoteWebDriver, And Docker
1. Create Linux server using AWS ec2
2. Selenium grid-hub and node
3. RemoteWebDriver
4. Docker Installation
4.Docker Images-chrome and firefox
5. Docker composite file
6. Docker compose command
7. Docker logs
8. Solving issues: headless mode
Demo: Running selenium tests inside docker in headless mode using remotewebdriver
1.create new repo on GitHub
2.push your code on the repo for the first time
3.set up global config user and email
4. git add
5. git commit -m
6. git pull
7. git push
8. merge issues
9. solving merge issues
10. git diff
11. git log
12. git restore
13. git reset
14. git revert
Live Demo: Working on project using github and git commands
1. configuration for java and maven project
2. run your project on jenkins
3. run your build on each commit
4. configure your email on jenkins
5. send your test report on jenkins
6. jenkins testng trends
1. Db Volume testing
2. Spike testing
3. Traffic distribution testing
Live Demos– Mysql Db Load Test, Spike testing with clock timer, Traffic distribution based on test requests
Cyber Security
1.Sql map- Find SQL vulnerabilities and extract DB, table, column, and data information using sqlmap commands.
2.Email Spoofing-Send emails without logging into the mailbox as someone else.
3. Phishing- how to make sure not to become a victim of phishing..
At the end of the course, you will receive a completion certificate and a take-home project with source code.
You can see the Level 1 outline and can buy previous Full Stack Automation Level 1 Course Recording with source code From here-
Level 2 Course Recording with source code can be accessed from here-
See Demo of previous full-stack Bootcamp level 1 here-
Support/Contact Info: Livechat Using Linkedin,, or +918285408005(WhatsApp) for any clarification regarding the course.